Friday, April 27, 2007

A 4-hour Workweek?

It's hard to believe that someone can work only 4 hours a week and be rich. But Timothy Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich says it is possible. In fact, he does it.

I was in a conference call with Mr. Ferriss and Yanik Silver last night and have to admit that I'm really impressed. Ferris is not promoting a "get rich quick scheme" or anything like that. Instead, Ferriss advocates for a lifestyle design. In other words, your work has to serve your ideal lifestyle, not the other way around.

Some of the tips Ferriss offers in his book are very cool:
He even shows in his book how to get housing and airfares around the world at 50%-80% off.

You must read this book and implement some of his ideas: you'll see a great difference in your workstyle right away. Click here to read more about The 4-hour workweek.

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